I am from Green,

Have infinite innocence inside.

You can call me nature

A tree or may be a leaf.

I am from Blue,

pleasant, patient, peaceful.

I am the source of your origin

Call me water, ocean or a river may be.

I am from Red 

Give you warmth and life.

I may destroy or protect

But, you can call me sun or a ball of fire.

Nobody knows my origin

I'm beyond your imagination.

One cannot control but need me.

You can call me pleasant breeze or air you need.

I am from beauty 

Beauty of innocence and pure love 

Some call me mother, nurturer

And says I'm earth

I'm not supreme

But, you need me

There is no limit for my love and rage

So protect me and cherish 

If you try to destroy, I know how to protect myself.


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